Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Answer is Dip...

This is a conversation with my grandson,my daughter chimed in and me Nana...

The Answer is Dip...

Tyler:"I'm hungry, I'm starving, Nana."

Nana:"Okay Ty, I'll get you some crackers"

Tyler:"I want some chips."

Nana:"I don't have chips, I have crackers."

Tyler:"I want some dip."

Nana:"I don't have any dip."

Sarah:"There are answers in this house,I know it!"

Nana:"Thank you, Sarah."

Tyler:"The answer is dip, Nana."

Nana:"No, the answer's not dip Tyler, I don't have any dip."

Tyler:"The answer is dip! I tell you!"

Nana:"No, Tyler, the answer is not dip!"

Tyler:"Oh Come On! Just Give Me Dip!"

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