Some ideas for the holidays...
Here's what I used to do and I'm going to do it again this year.I make little cakes,cookies and breads,wrap them in red and green kitchen plastic wrap.Also,$1 coffee mugs,put in candy canes or a pack of cocoa and a candy cane,fun.They look so pretty,for prim girls you can tie around with raffia or prim fabric strip,for fancier ones,ribbon or christmas wrap ribbon.It's best to do pound cakes,breads or cookies,icing is messy for wrapping.When someone comes over you can hand them one when they're leaving,or take to a friend or someone at work,whatever.It's a special little treat for people and they'll be surprised and the season of giving will put people in a cheerful holiday mood and they can pass on the tradition.You can put these in a little basket to hand out,but it's not necessary,can get expensive.There are white paper bags like brown paper bags,you can decorate the outside or just pretty plain.You can also put a gift tag on the tie.
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