Anyone remember these dishes?I grew up with Currier and Ives dishes,reminds me of my Mom and I love this set.The plates were the Gristmill print.I also remember every morning I had to have peanut butter on saltines and Nestle's Chocolate Milk(instant powder and I love the strawberry powder,also),through junior high for my morning breakfast.And the little country store where we'd get on the bus was where we spent our lunch money and loved peanuts in a coke,glass bottles of pepsi and coke could not be beat,grape and orange nehis,yoohoos,mm. And in high school,I would spend my lunch on strawberry filled powdered donuts and Dr. Pepper,(so healthy):)wonder why they stopped selling those things during free period at school?LOL Anyway,funny how even dishes can bring good childhood memories and a piece of home.
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